Custom Plastic Bags

Designing custom plastic bags with your logo on them is a great way to add a bit of flair with every purchase or giveaway. By utilizing our custom plastic bag printing at rushIMPRINT, you’ll be able to provide durable, reusable promotional gifts at your next marketing event, such as a trade show or corporate party. Personalized plastic bags with your logo could also be used more than once, as a convenient carry-all! Explore our selection of colors, sizes and styles to customize the perfect plastic bag with your company name and logo.

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Convenient Promotion for Events

Oftentimes when you attend a promotional event or tradeshow, you’ll find individuals with so many gifts that they can’t carry them all. Printing plastic bags for other attendees is a great way to get your foot in the door. By offering custom plastic bags with your logo, you’ll be providing all of those potential clients with a convenient carrying option. Moreover, this is an inexpensive way to raise awareness of your brand among a wider audience.


Complete Customization

With rushIMPRINT, you have the option to fully customize your plastic bags with your favorite sizes, shapes and colors. Choose from plastic bag designs like:

  • Soft loop handle bags

  • Die cut handle bags

  • Plastic drawstring bags

  • And more!


Have questions about your options? Reach out to our design team for assistance before you make your own plastic bags.


Custom Plastic Bags for Any Event

Custom shopping bags with a logo are popular at retail stores, but there are plenty of other reasons to print plastic bags. Whether it’s a more formal, corporate event or a fun and casual trade show, rushIMPRINT can provide you with the perfect personalized plastic bag. In addition to our plastic bags with logos, we also offer fabric options like:

  • Messenger Bags

  • Drawstring Sports Packs

  • Fanny Packs


rushIMPRINT Guarantee

We do more than provide high-quality custom prints - we also deliver free artwork services, packaging and kitting options, quick turnaround times, and even optional 24-hour rush jobs on select products. In addition to creating your own plastic bags, rushIMPRINT offers thousands of other ways to market yourself with branded merch.


Learn more about how we can help you promote your business when you shop our variety of products today.