Pocket Knives

Custom Imprinted Promotional Pocket Knives
What makes a custom pocket knife any better than, say, a custom pen? As far as promotional items go, isn't one means of "getting your brand out there" just as good as any other?
Absolutely not, and here's why: people don't pay attention to your logo when they pick up a pen, it's just a pen as far as they're concerned. Unless it's the kind of pen that people normally pay ten, twenty bucks for, it's just another pen. Everything has a corporate logo on it these days, and it's getting harder and harder to make your own stand out. The custom pocket knife will be more valuable for the recipients and thus they'll keep them longer, making your brand appear in front of more people.
Someone may use a pen every single day, but they probably don't even know what brand they keep their office stocked with. Pens are a dime a dozen. It's hard to grow attached to something that is disposable and utilitarian. A personalized pocket knife may be utilitarian, but it's anything but disposable.
A personalized pocket knife is something that a person will get a lot of use out of, like a pen, but unlike a pen, it's something most people only own one of. Or at least, the only own a few, unless they're a knife collector. Say you run a hardware store and you give customers a free pocket knife with every purchase over a certain amount. Every time they look at that custom pocket knife, they're thinking of your store and making mental notes for their next visit.