Google Cool

Virgil Winston:
Marketing Guru

My Aunt Irene has what doctors call Internet Addiction Disorder, which is compounded by an aggressive form of Relational Googleitis—an inability to stop Googling everybody she ever met. In spite of her lug of a husband, she wants to believe her life is better than most of the people she knows, including the boys and girls she shared the first grade with.

While Irene is the extreme, there are many of us who, if not in the same boat, are most definitely sailing in the same waters. We love our computers. And if we’re not Googling our high school class for convicted felons, we’re listening to music, organizing photos, doing taxes, getting recipes, playing games, making movies, charting genealogical roots, gambling, dreaming, searching and, once in awhile, even working.

Enhance that computer experience and, guess what? You’ve just taken one giant leap toward entrenching your life—and promotional products—into the lives of your potential customers. Computer gadgets never go out of style. And the cooler the better.

And, yes…it doesn’t get cooler than the USB Laptop Fan. This refreshing gift is perfect for the laptop user. No batteries needed—it’s all USB powered. It also comes with a strong clip to hold it in place, a clear case with snap-shut lid and a gift box. You’ll get people turning their heads for this one…if only for the fresh breeze coming their way.

Well, I’m off to my next door neighbor’s wedding, a man my Aunt Irene tells me once served four days in county jail for disorderly conduct. Until next time, remember, if you want to be cool, you have to stay cool.