The Key To Successful Branding

Information is more accessible today than any other time in human history, and with that ease of access comes a new responsibility to consistently market yourself for who you are and who you want to be. Let’s face it, most of our businesses aren’t Apple, Nike, McDonalds, Starbucks, or Wal-Mart, and most of us aren’t as recognized as Michael Jordan, […]

Now That You Got The Job: Tip #1

Linda says…. “Smile Over The Phone” Many people already do not enjoy talking on the phone, so make their experience delightful by following a few simple practices. A customer, client or business partner always want to speak with someone that is happy, energetic, enthusiastic and knowledgeable, if you keep a smile in your voice the […]

Business Strategies Made Simple

Businesses that thrive need to have a powerful strategy in order to help growth everyday. Check out these  5 straightforward ways to getting your company on board for business. Positioning This is the bridge that connects everything together. It is one of the most important components in any business strategy as it creates brand equity […]

Beyond Customer Service

Bringing customers back and keeping your current customers happy is one of the most important and at times, most difficult things to accomplish in the life of your business. The steps go beyond simple customer service. The items below are ones that will lead you to distinguishing yourself from the competition. Stick to these steps […]

Logo Logic

When you are creating a logo for your company, you want to be remembered. You want people to stop, glance, (hopefully) stay, and ultimately buy your products.  While developing a logo as part of your brand, remember that brands should be: Memorable Remembering a logo is to remember a company and, ideally, what they stand […]