Valentine’s Day

Virgil Winston:
Marketing Guru

It’s a day that strikes fear in the heart of every married man in America. No, not the day your wife announces her mother is moving in (although that is equally horrible). I am talking about Valentine’s Day of course. There is tremendous pressure heaped upon one to buy the perfect card, expressing the precise sentiment your wife wants to hear, and to send the most resplendent bouquet of overpriced roses, make reservations at the right overcrowded restaurant and purchase the gift that will make all your wife’s friends and co-workers tell her how lucky she is to have such a thoughtful spouse. The pressure is lessoned slightly by the fact that it is nearly impossible to forget the red, white and pink “holiday” because almost as soon as Auld Lang Syne is sung, the stores are packed full of pink bears, cheery cherubs and enough chocolate to feed a medium sized country for a year. Unlike one’s wedding anniversary, which is known to only a select few and remembered mostly by one’s wife. But I digress…and that is not a road I want to travel down right now.
However, there is a bright side, because like most holidays, this one is a perfect opportunity to market your company and increase brand awareness by showing a little love to your best clients. This year, I am sending my favorite clients Love Custom Chocolates to let them know how much I care. I recommend you do the same. If you are not hot on chocolate, the Heart-Shaped Mint Tin is a perfect choice. This two-piece promotional item comes filled with your choice of peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen or cinnamon flavored mints. Both have room for your company logo and promotional message so you can drive your point home and get the most bang for your marketing buck. Either way, you will surely win their hearts.
I got in big trouble for my Valentine gift choice last year, so this year I am not taking any chances. I have a meeting with a personal shopper who has assured me she will help me choose a gift my wife (and her friends) will love. Until next time, I leave you with a quote by my thrice divorced Uncle Lou on my mother’s side, “If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?”