5 Ways to Say Thanks on Customer Service Day

It is always good to stop and thank your clients for their business, and your employees who work so diligently together. Therefore, on January 17th, there is a special day that helps honor your clients and employee and thank them for all that they do – Customer Service Day. This is a great day to send a special gift to your clients, and award your employees for all that they do. Without them, your business wouldn’t have the success that is has.

Customer service is the relationship between your company and your clients. If you lack great communication with clients, then your business will fail. Word-of-mouth marketing is an essential part of client retention and getting new clients. If your existing clients aren’t happy, then there will be nothing but negative feedback about your company. Customer service is usually handled by your employees. If you aren’t giving them the proper training and/or treating them right, then it will also negatively affect your business.

Customer Service Day is a great way to ensure that your clients and employees know how much you appreciate them and all that they do. Here  are some ways to thank your clients and employees for their loyalty to your company:

Send Thank-You Cards

Thank you Card

A thank-you card is a small gesture that can brighten anyone’s day. Send thank-you cards to your clients thanking them for their business, and to your employees thanking them for all of their hard work. Alternative: Use e-cards as a way to say thank you in an economical and environmentally-friendly way.

Make a Phone Call

How can I help you?

Pick up the phone and thank your clients and employees for everything that they do. Let them know that you know how valuable they are to your business, and that you will continue to strive to make them happy and feel like they are part of the team. Alternative: Create a thank-you video and send it around.

Send a Special Keepsake to Clients

Send clients a thank-you gift with your company’s name and logo on it. The best gift to send is one that they can place on their desk and will use often, so there is a constant reminder of your business and everything that you do. A clock or a calendar would be a great way to do this.  Alternative: Send them a food gift, such as hot chocolate or gumballs.

Award Your Employees

Provide a way to recognize your employees for all of their hard work. The best way to do this is establishing an employee recognition process. The most essential rule is that all your employees should be eligible to be recognized. One way to do this is to have any employee, regardless his/her position, have the ability to recognize the hard work of his/her peer. You can have gifts range from laptop bags to pens and mugs with the employee’s name. Alternative: You can also have gift cards to local restaurants or stores.

Charity Navigator Logo

Find a charity to donate on behalf of your clients and employees. Send them a thank-you card telling them about your donation and a little information about the charity group. This is a great way to show how much you care in more ways than one. Alternative: Join a charity walk or marathon, and invite your clients and employees to do it with you.

Final Words

Mark Customer Service Day on your calendar and thank all of the people who make your business memorable and successful. Remember that saying thanks is not only reserved for your clients, but also to your employees. Without your clients and employees, you wouldn’t have a business.