How to Have a Healthy New Year

Notes in a journal

The economy is still recovering from its slump, you just received a cell phone bill for $400, and your boss is driving you nuts—but at least you have your health. Right? Well, do you? For many people, the number one New Year’s resolution is to lose weight and/or get fit. I know it’s on the top of my list. Like you, I struggle to keep the resolutions I make each year and come February, I often shrug my shoulders and think, “There’s always next year.” Well, enough is enough. This year can be different…if you want it to be. So, if you are ready to begin 2010 with a healthy new attitude…read on.

Advice from the Experts

The reasons for adopting a healthier lifestyle are obvious, but actually doing it isn’t always so easy. That’s why I spoke to several diet and fitness experts, guru to guru, and came up with a list of 10 tips for turning the average couch potato into a hard body. Try them all or just pick one and get started!

  • Create a goal: My Nana always said, “You’re nothing without a dream.” A goal is simply a dream that you are committed to accomplishing. Decide on a goal, write it down and give yourself a realistic deadline as well as the action steps you plan to take in order to achieve your objective.
  • Share your goal: Tell your spouse, Mom, kids and best friend and ask for their support. It’s harder to quit when you have a cheering section.
  • Walk it off: Go for a walk around the block, the neighborhood or the mall. Walking is easy, fun and free; start by walking 30 minutes every day.
  • Use the buddy system: Join forces with a friend, colleague or neighbor and plan to exercise together a few times a week. If you have the resources, hire a trainer or sign up for an exercise class. It’s more fun to sweat in a group.
  • Do what you enjoy: Figure out what you like to do, rather than what you think you should do, and you are more likely to stick to it. I enjoy yoga and my wife never misses a Pilates class… there are lots of options, from salsa dancing to in-line skating. Explore them all.
  • Get everyone involved: Instead of watching TV or going to the movies with your family, schedule fun, physical activities like skating, touch football, urban hikes or Frisbee matches.
  • Trick yourself: Portion control is one of the keys to losing and maintaining a healthy weight. Trick yourself into eating less by:
    • Using smaller plates: even if you fill up your plate, you are still eating less.
    • When dining out, eat half of what’s on your plate and take the rest home for lunch the next day…or split an entrée with your dining partner. You’ll eat less and save money.
  • Treat yourself: Losing weight doesn’t mean you can’t have a treat every once in a while Instead of depriving yourself of your favorite desserts altogether, limit yourself to a sweet bite once a week. Try eating healthful treats like a couple of squares of dark chocolate or half a cup of low fat frozen yogurt with fruit or a tablespoon of chocolate sauce or non-dairy whipped topping. If you indulge a little, you are less likely to go overboard and wolf down an entire box of cookies.
  • Change a little, save a lot: Save calories by drinking sparkling water instead of sugary sodas and diet drinks, eating fruit instead of drinking fruit juice, and cutting back on or eliminating alcohol.
  • Forgive but don’t forget: Lastly, if you splurge on French-fries or blow off exercising one day, don’t give up. Just recognize that you are human, forgive yourself and get back on track.

As we bring in the 2010 (twenty-ten!) year, health is on our minds and we hope it is on yours, too.  As you’re a critical part of the rushIMPRINT family, we want to live with you and grow old with you too.  We’d love to hear how your health-conscious New Year’s Resolutions progress over the year!