A Letter from a Happy Customer!

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Last month we donated some logoed wooden photo frames to the Portage Community Center. Today we got this wonderful letter and photos from them, so we thought we would share them with everyone!

“On behalf of the Portage Community Center and its volunteers, I would like to thank you for your donation of 50 picture frames to the 2010 volunteer recognition dinner.

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The volunteer recognition dinner is our way of saying, “Thank You!” to our volunteers. We would not be able to make a difference in this community if it were not for the help of our volunteers. Your frames donation gave us the opportunity to show that our volunteers are special to us. Inside the frame, we placed a picture of the volunteer doing an act of service or at a previous volunteer dinner. If we did not have a picture of them we placed a note in the frame that let them know that we would fill the frame soon. Your donation to this event is sincerely appreciated and well received by its recipient.

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“I would have to say that this is the best gift that I have ever received as a volunteer”

“Tell the company that did this that I am very excited about my gift”

“Make sure you get me the contact information for rushIMPRINT. I need to tell my church about them. This is great”

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“It is great to see that even company’s outside of Portage show their support to other towns.

What more is there to say, but Thank You again for your generous support of the Portage Community Center, our volunteers, and our mission to make life better! We look forward to hopefully working with you again in the future.”

Thanks for reading!

– Dan