Magnify Yourself

As a business owner, have you ever thought to yourself, “I gave them my business card, but they will throw it away or store it with all of their others”? You want to stand out and not only that but you want them to think of you the minute that they have the need for your services.

The best way to stick with people is to get a magnetic business card, especially if you are in the service industry. You might not always be needed but want to be the first on a customer’s mind when they are in need of your services. Being on someone’s fridge provides this service to you and for them holds their coupons, kids accomplishments and to do lists to their fridge.

Let’s just state the obvious here, refrigerators are used frequently. You could almost call it the local watering hole in a home. People living and visiting the home eat and talk there. Having your business card on the fridge lets you have hundreds of opportunities to be remembered in a future clients mind.

With many clients it is all about the “first number I see” concept. Although this may not be the best way to choose a business, it is a fact of business. Get in on the secret and get your business up on people’s fridges before your competition does!