Friday Matinee: Let’s Talks Movies…

Who doesn’t love summer blockbuster time? Flashback: Summer 1977. My family and I sitting in a classic theater complete with marble pillars, balcony, vaulted ceiling, ornate decor and deep burgundy drapery throughout. I am sure ‘Gone with the Wind’ and countless other classics debuted in this theater.

As a 10 year old kid I had been to plenty of movies; lots of Disney flicks mainly. Jodie Foster and I were practically boyfriend/girlfriend. Yeah, I’d been to see other “big” movies as well, like the awful ‘King Kong’ remake the summer of 1976. With all these movies I’d been to, this was the first time I had to wait in line to get into the theater after purchasing tickets. “What’s this all about” I wondered. There had to be 500 people in line, roped in by the soft velvet ropes and chrome poles. Some looked excited, some looked bored. I really had no idea what all the fuss was about.