rushIMPRINT Pays it Forward to Open Source

rushIMPRINT’s web foundation was built on the generosities of the open source community. We’re a LAMP (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL) shop and we even use WordPress as our blog. In paying it forward, we’re offering 20% off all promotional products, be them writing instruments, USB memory sticks, desk toys, and whatever else we have in stock to the Open […]

rushIMPRINT Donates Highlighters to the Canada Youth Cafe

rushIMPRINT has a new commitment to helping out a non-profit organization every month. Our first initiative involved the Youth Cafe of South Simcoe, Ontario in Canada. Youth Cafe is an organization that is dedicated to helping 14-29 year-olds. Youth Cafe connects youth with volunteering positions, housing opportunities, healthy eating, and employment opportunities.We donated $500 CAD of highlighters — […]

RustyBrick Tries rushIMPRINT Kippot

A few weeks ago, rushIMPRINT arranged to send sample yarmulkes to RustyBrick, a New York web development firm. They received the kippahs yesterday and we’re super excited to hear that they’re happy! Barry Schwartz writes, “They came out pretty well and in fact, I honestly might wear them every day.” How’s that for usable schwag? (Pictured from left to […]

The Customer Comes First!

rushIMPRINT was founded with a simple goal — to offer great products at lightning fast speed while delivering a superior customer experience. Unlike most promotional products companies, our designers are in house which means we can respond in real time to customer requests and come up with awesome designs super fast. We are a web […]