Custom Keychains
Consider personalized keychains as a promotional item for your business. Everyone uses keys, so why not put your company name or logo where it will be seen every day — on a custom keychain. When marketing your brand to a large number of people, it is cost effective to distribute a cheap promotional item at events like trade shows or conventions. Custom keychains can fill this need. These personalized keychains come in all sizes, shapes, styles and colors. Some of these personalized keychains include can openers, whistles, lights, carabiners, compasses, pill holders and more.

Custom Personalized Keychains
A custom keychain will leave more of an impression than a billboard, TV commercial, or radio spot because custom keychains will provide your customers and employees with tangible items that they’ll bring along wherever they go. An obligation-free product with your company's logo and slogan will provide long term brand recognition at a very small price.
Another benefit of custom keychains is that they mail well, and are much cheaper to distribute than larger items. Custom keychains are also small enough to slip into a pocket or purse at a convention or trade show so that they are not lost.
Giveaway items such as custom keychains are simply cheaper than other forms of advertising and have many advantages. Customers prefer to purchase products and services from a reputable company, and distributing personalized keychains can help build your reputation. Also, distributing giveaway items to the public at festivals, fairs, or other local events spreads your advertising dollars further as people carry them with them and do your advertising for you.
When you’re deciding the best way to invest your advertising budget and require an inexpensive gift for a large number of people, rushIMPRINTs promotional custom keychains are the best solution.
Businesses that give away personalized keychains as part of their marketing campaign have an opportunity to greatly increase their customer base, reputation, and revenue. Promotional items can also serve as a stream of income for a business if their brand is especially popular. Some companies choose to sell their custom items rather than using them just as giveaways. Examples of this are school teams, sports teams, and local businesses such as ski boat rentals and amusement parks.
Order your custom keychains online or call one of our customer support specialists today at 1- 866-277-RUSH (7874).